Monday, June 15, 2009

Senate Seersucker Thursday

From the file of ridiculous press releases, I've just learned that there's a day called Senate Seersucker Thursday, and this year it's on June 18.

Via the release:

Senate Seersucker Thursday, annually commemorates when your United States Senators trade in their heavy suit for a more breathable alternative. Trent Lott, Mississippi's U.S. Senator, revived Seersucker Day in 1996 as a deep-rooted southern tradition and a welcomed return to the Senate's sartorial tradition. Every June, the Senate picks a day to encourage all U.S. Senators to wear the time-honored fabric, reminding them of a season of renewal and rejoice. Today, Senators agree on just one thing: sporting seersucker makes a classic fashion statement in the spirit of unity.

Through a little more research, it seems that most people who partake in this are Republicans, but Dianne Feinstein is a proponent and gave outfits to other women Senators. I love seersucker and have an amazing pink blazer that I wear a lot, but have been wanting to add a skirt to wardrobe lately. Any other writers want to start a new sartorial tradition? Media Madras Mondays?

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