Thursday, December 11, 2008

Liechtenstein Season at Alex Gallery

Last week I went to the friends' opening for the new show at Alex Gallery, which consists of work by seven artists from Liechtenstein. I can't say I've ever even met anyone from the country before, which is why it was so cool to meet a bunch of artists and the ambassador and drink Liechtensteinian wine.

Some of my favorite pieces were the paintings by Stephan Sude, but I also really liked the body paintings by Eva Frommelt, like Korper 4, above. This one is a female friend of the artist's, and Frommelt added her own handprints.

With seven artists, it can be difficult to make a cohesive show, but the gallery, which is in a house, makes it feel like you're looking at art in a living room. It makes for an intimate, if seemingly random show, but it's a nice primer to the range of art that's being made in the tiny country.

For more info:

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