Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tequila Festival at Oyamel

Last week I went to the press preview for the Tequila Festival at Oyamel, which runs March 18-30. I can safely say I consumed more tequila than I have in the rest of my life combined.

We started with great three cocktails, the best of which was the prickly pear margarita. Then we moved onto dinner, the highlights of which were the lime-tequila soup, the sauteed shrimp with Oaxaca cheese and tequila, and the cornish hen. There were two desserts, a strawberry tequila sorbet (delicious) and a tequila gelatin with white chocolate foam and anise (less so, but I don't really like anise). Then there was a fantastic coffee with yes, more tequila, but which was topped with this amazing white chocolate orange whipped cream.

The menu is really fun, and it's great to see how many different things can be done with tequila.


Zack said...

It's OK that you don't like anise, Amy. I like anise enough for the both of us.

I'm also ten years old.

Amy Cavanaugh said...

Oh, Zack, I love you.